Public Display of Affection in India

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Last week I along with two of my colleague went for lunch. Happily chatting within us we went inside a decent restaurant, and quickly gave our order. Meanwhile we were talking about our office work; suddenly my friend who was sitting opposite to us said, look behind you what is happening? I said, what happened? He said there is guy and a girl who are sitting behind you and they are kissing. I said what happened in that; they must be husband and wife or lovers. Let them do whatever they want. On this my dear friend said that no this is not good, if they want to love each other then they should do it inside their house. 

What do we really want?

Sunday, September 08, 2013

Just ask this simple but important question to some of your friends and I bet that you will get almost similar answers from most of them. Someone will say he wants to build his own house, someone will say he wants to buy SUV, someone will say he wants to start his own business, etc. apart from this regular answer you might also hear something like I want to let go of anything related to materialism!

But do we really want any of these things, or is it what we think we want? Most of us find our self in this confusing situation every day, and we may not even realize it. We are not here to do things which we don’t like. Doing things which we don’t like can keep you engaged for some time, but during that time you will not get your peace of mind. Every day when you will go to bed you will think, why the hell are you doing that work, is it just the money for which you are killing your happiness or something else.

Love is Blind? Or it only pretends to be blind?

Thursday, May 16, 2013


Hmmm… it’s an interesting question. First answer which comes to my mind is YES, “Love is blind”. But wait a minute my friends, every time what comes first is not the best. If you guys remember then before the era of mobile phones and Facebook, there was a famous stationary something about the size of small diary with colorful 20-30 pages which was famously called as Slam Books. These slam books were passed among high school students to fill in some answer to the question.  And one of the questions you needed to answer was: "What is love?" Most answers I saw were: "Love is blind.

Once again in Delhi...

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


“Whave cancelled the bus license”, is the statement of Sheila Dekshit CM of Delhi on 18th December 2012. Is this what the victim is asking for? Is this what the whole India is asking for? Is this what Rajya Sabha member Jaya Bachchan is asking for? No, miss Sheila Dikshit. We don’t want just the suspension of bus license. We want some permanent solution to this kind of horrible act against our women.

I hate writing about the negative things happening in our state where most of our VVIP live, but I am highly disturbed after knowing the Sunday night’s  incidence in Delhi where an innocent helpless 23 year old medical student was gang raped in a moving “whiteline” bus by 6 (don’t know what word I should use for them) *$@#@^. When her male friend protested then they beat him with rods, later after their heinous act they threw them off the moving bus near a flyover in Mahipalpur in south Delhi, which is close to the Indira Gandhi International Airport.  All this started at around 11:00 PM and lasted for about 45 minutes but not a single Delhi Police officer stopped that bus even thou it was running after its permitted time. Almost 48 hours have passed but still that lady is fighting for her life in ICU, according to the news on TV her intestine is damaged. 

Yes or No to Arranged Marriage

Sunday, November 25, 2012


As we all see, in India we follow arranged marriage system, where two or more parties arrange a marriage between two persons. Love before marriage is considered bad in this country. No my friends today I am not going to talk about the negative aspects of our marriage system. I believe like every aspect of life, arranged marriage also has its merits and demerits. Compared to other countries, Indian people are more emotionally attached to their family members; we give more importance to relationships and family customs. In our country ours parents take care of us till their last breath, because in our country family’s safety comes first. To protect their children from any future problem arising due to marriage in other religion or caste parents in our country generally find suitable spouses for them from suitable families within their own religion, caste and social status. Now if the couple says yes for the marriage, then not only the bride and the groom comes close to each other but also two families gets united, and if by chance any problem arises after marriage then both families try together to work out the problem.

Who Am I?

Saturday, October 27, 2012


Birds eat plant eating insects, worms poop inside the ground and make the soil fertile, whale helps in removing carbon traps from the environment, bee helps in pollination of flower, animals help in fertilizing plants, almost all the animals are part of food chain and keep the ecosystem in balance, there are many such examples where we can see how animals not only live for themselves but they do some or the other thing for their environment or society. All living and non living things in this universe exist because the nature wants them to be in that place at that time. This means if we are alive and are doing certain things then there must be some reason behind it. The nature must have assigned some work to all of us, so we are here. Why I am talking about all this today is because for last few days some questions are bothering me.


Sunday, October 14, 2012


दोस्तों की महफ़िल में बैठ कर,
जब तेरी बातें किया करतें थें।
लोग उसे ग़ज़ल समझ कर,
वाह वाह किया करतें थें।