Angels in Garbage Bins

Monday, June 18, 2012

Aborted Female infant with Placenta in waste dump 

All of us in our life time have studied about our ancestors Homo Erectus, in the same school our teachers have taught us something which is false. They taught us that the day Homo Erectus became Homo Sapiens they became civilized. But keep your hand on your heart and tell us, is it true? Can we call our self as a civilized animal? I will say no, I will say that our friends living in jungle are more civilized than us. They don’t kill there still born babies; before the birth of their babies they don’t decide their faith based of their sex, but we do, we kill our babies in mother’s womb, we tear there hand and leg and crush there head before they even see the real bad world.

First citizen of our country is a lady, the biggest Indian political party is headed by a female, there are many states where the chief minister is lady, and above all this we all fold our hand and pray before female goddesses in temples. And yet India is far from a haven for women.

It is a matter of great concern that today in India we are discussing on an issue like female feticide. This term speaks of a system gone corrupt. In 2011 Census report the female to male child ratio was recorded as 914 females against 1,000 males. This highly skewed statistics doesn’t give us the permission to call our self as a civilized society. 

Some Facts & figures:-
  • According to 2011 Census; under the age of 6, India have 914 girls for every 1,000 boys.
  • Northwestern region of Haryana has the worst child sex ratio with 830 girls to every 1,000 boys.
  • Nearly 50,000 female fetuses are aborted every month using illegal test.
  • Between 4 million and 12 million girls are thought have been aborted from 1980 to 2010
  • While the overall female to male ratio has improved since the last census, the number of girls under six-years-old has declined for the fifth decade running.

India Sex Ratio (1951-2011)
India Child Sex Ratio (1961-2011)
Now after seeing all these things, one question comes to my mind; why is such a discrimination against girls? I think birth of all the crimes is money. We have become so much materialistic that we treat our women also a commodity and marriage had become like a business alliance. In any couple’s life as soon as a baby girl is born they think her as financial burden, because as dowry they have to pay a huge amount to marry her. In earlier times girl’s parent give some money to the newlywed couple as seed money to start their new life. Which with the passage of time has changed and now groom’s parents ask huge amount of cash or land before marriage as if they wanted to sell their son. This may be the biggest reason why Indians prefer boys because after 20 years they can in cash him.

In today’s time manly two techniques are used to determine the gender of the unborn baby. They are amniocentesis and 3D ultrasound imaging, the later can only be used when the unborn is at least 2 months plus. These techniques were developed to determine any genetic or gestation problems in fetus. For the first time in 1974, amniocentesis started in India by AIIMS to detect fetal abnormalities. In Amritsar, Punjab in 1979 for the first time these test was used to detect the gender. Indian Council of Medical Research stopped these test within months, but till that time it was too late. Till then people started using it as an instrument to kill unborn girl child. These two tests are banned in India, but still under the curtain they are being used by many doctors. Technology has given us a lot of benefits, but this is one aspect of technology which has given us a serious problem.

Do you know that, we humans have developed 6 ways to choose our babies, which doctors call as abortion? Though the methods are different but they give the same result – a dead baby and in India mostly a dead baby girl. Here I want to give brief descriptions about all of them, so that you all come to know what happen behind the curtain when you decide to kill your baby just because she is girl.  

  1. RU-486 – used for drug induced abortion, used when female misses her period upto 2nd month of pregnancy. This drug blocks the progesterone hormone, which in turn stops the supply of food, fluid and oxygen to the tiny developing baby. Due to starvation the baby dies. Then another drug is given to the women to contract the uterus to expel a tiny dead human being - her baby. Whole process lasts for a week.
  2. Suction-Aspiration – a suction tube with a sharp cutting edge is inserted into the uterus through the dilated cervix. The knife tears the baby’s body into pieces, and then suction pressure is used to suck out placenta, blood, amniotic fluid, placental tissue and fetal parts into a bottle. Done in first trimester.
  3. Dilation and Curettage (D and C) – done in 4-12 weeks of pregnancy. This is similar to the suction procedure, except a curette (loop like knife) is used for scrapping and scooping out the remaining of the killed baby.
  4. Dilation and Evacuation (D and E) – done after 12 weeks of pregnancy. This is a combination of the above two along with the use of forceps. First the cervix is dilated, and then the forceps are inserted and with twisting and pulling method one by one the abortionist tears the leg, arm and other body parts of the baby. In the end he crushes the skull and pulls it out. The nurse then reassembles the body parts to be sure that all of them were removed. 
  5. Prostaglandin Abortion – prostaglandin is hormone that induce labor. It is injected into the women’s body, so that she begins early labor. Then baby is then killed by the strength of the contraction as the baby comes out of the uterus. Sometime the baby comes out alive to prevent that, sometime doctors inject a drug into the baby’s heart guided by ultrasound to kill him first then prostaglandin is injected. Done in late pregnancies.
  6.  Dilation and Extraction (D and X) - Done for 4-9 months of pregnancy, also called as partial birth abortion. The abortionist with the help of ultrasound sees the position of the fetus. Then he inserts forceps to pull out the leg and the upper part. Then incision is made at the base of the fetus’ skull to suction out the brain material to collapse the skull, making it small enough to remove.  
I searched over the internet and find out this really disturbing video, it shows how the abortionist kills the baby. The intention to post this video on my blog is not to scare you all, I just wanted you all to show the real truth, what happens on the operation table when anyone of us decides to kill an unborn child just because she is a baby girl. Try to feel the pain of the baby when her hands and legs are teared off her body.

                                                   Abortion - Dilation & Evacuation

In India with girls, only female feticide is not the issue; at every stage of their life they have to fight with various social stigma and the evils in our society. When she was inside the womb, she was forced to miss the opportunity to come to this world, if by luck she comes of her mother’s protective world after 9 months, then she had to face the demons waiting outside. As soon as her relatives come to know that a girl is born they try to abandon her or kill her and without giving the milk they throw her in garbage cans. I am talking about the people of the country where we treat guest as our God, but why can’t treat newborn girl child as God? If any how due to the good deeds in her past life, she manages to stay with her family then in her childhood she sees the discrimination between her and he brother. Her brother manages to stay in the lime light with room full of new dress, books and toys where as she was gifted with broom and a wiper. Her brother spends his time in school and playground where she stays in home and helps her mother in household work and occasionally she plays with her tears. If somehow with her mother’s and father’s support she manages to go to school for studies, then during her college studies she was forced to get married. This cycle continues again if she gives birth to a baby girl.

We all feel proud of our country because of its cultural heritage. We can increase this feeling if every 1,000 male in our country will have 1,000 female to give them company in their life. I don’t want to see stray dogs staring at our newborn girls in garbage bins, I want to see them playing in our courtyard with her parents. 



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