Crime Capital of India

Monday, July 30, 2012

One day a kid came running to me and said “do you know which is the crime capital of India?” I was shocked to hear this question from him, I said no baby I don’t know. He smiled and said it’s Delhi. This little question of his made me think about my national capital for an entire day. There was time when Delhi was famous for its Historical heritage, shopping places and eateries. It’s the same place which carries the legacy of Mughal as well as British reign is now blatantly termed the crime capital of India! Certainly there are solid reasons why people have changed their scale with which they used to measure our national capitals popularity. Directly or indirectly our politicians are always involved with the bad things happening in our society. We all know that on the political map on India, Delhi holds a significant position and this is the biggest reason why criminals and terrorist flock like sheep to Delhi. All such criminal minded people come here to disturb the socio-economical stability of our country.

People can think that, those terrorists are also active in other parts of our country then why I am talking only about Delhi. The type of crime about which I want to talk here are not carried out by outsiders, they are our own people who walk with us, who share our seat in bus, from whom we buy food, to whom we sell our products. If you can think a little then, you will come to know that in recent time almost 70% of the crime that took place in Delhi is carried out by the local people staying in and around the capital. The number of rape and murder cases carried out because of personal grudge is increasing day by day. To me it seems like, the graph of crime in Delhi is fighting with the graph of increasing petrol prices to be at the top.

Few years back also these crimes were there but scattered in number, which in today’s time had become a daily activity. Maybe it is because of the city’s deteriorating moral values and loose laws or maybe it is because of the fact that more than 53% of Delhi’s population is under 25 years of age. This is the age where unemployed youth takes the wrong path of sex and violence to vent their energy and aggregation. I even found out that the male comprises the 55% of Delhi’s population, which make the city vulnerable for women.

If you can login to National Crime Records Bureau’s (NCRB) website then you can get to see some really scaring data. Delhi is one of the top four crime affected cities in India. Like a true friend Andhra Pradesh is giving company to our national capital in high crime records. Incidents like kidnapping for ransom, rape, molestation, abduction and attempted murders has seen sharp increase compared to previous years. 

Some facts & figures:-

  • Every 1 ½ hour a car is stolen
  • Every 13 hour a women is molested
  • Every 23 hour an attempt to murder a human being is carried out in Delhi
  • Compared to 2011 a 4% of increase is seen in various crimes (according to statistics released by Delhi Police for the year 2012)
  • This upward trend in increase crime rate is registered for the 3rd consecutive year
  • Crime against children has seen a 24% increase compared to 2010
  • Rate of crime against children is highest in Delhi 25.4%

Only 2 quarters have passed in 2012 till now, but almost innumerable crime incidents have already taken place in Delhi which I think is shocking for any civilized society. Few such cases which I remember are

  • A minor girl was attending went to attend a birthday party, there she met with a guy, since she was late he offered her a lift to home. Along with that guy 4 more people came in the car. On the way to her home those guys forced her to drink alcohol and they took turns to rape her. That girl was studying in 10th standard so you can understand about his situation. Her trauma didn’t stop here. When she went to file the FIR to Noida police station, they didn’t took it as a sensitive issue and treated in an inhuman way also in such cases police should not reveal the victim’s name but the Noida police revealed it to the media.
  • A 20 year old girl from Manipur was raped by 30 year old sales executive named Anuj Saini. At around 9:00 PM he was driving his way to his home on January 18 when he saw her victim standing by the roadside. After finishing her work in the mall (in Gurgaon) she was waiting for a public transport. Anuj stopped near the woman, and politely offered her a lift home. She accepted his offer as she had waited a long time for a public transport and the weather was getting too cold. Anuj picked up a casual conversation with the woman and after driving some distance, he went off the highway and took the sub-lanes instead of going towards Mahipalpur Road. Suspecting that something was amiss, the woman told Anuj that he is going in the wrong direction. She tried to open the door to jump out of the running vehicle, but the central lock system had been activated. The accused then took her to an isolated place in Dwarka where he raped her in an open field. He then dumped her and drove away. ATM card’s transaction helped the police to nab the culprit.

  • We all know that leaving our kids alone with the housemaid is not safe then also we leave them forgetting about the consequences attached to it. A couple in Delhi also did the same mistake, which resulted in the kidnap of his son Ishaan by the housemaid. Later he was rescued from Faridabad area. A mobile recharge coupon helped the police to nab the culprit.
  • I am sure you all must know about baby Falak. I must say she was a brave angel who fought for approx 2 week with death which eventually she lost. She was brought to AIIMS Delhi with multiple fracture, bone injury and human biting marks. She was just three year old and saw all this horrible things in her little life. She along with two siblings and her mother fell prey to human trafficking racket operating in Delhi.
  • Not only women and kids are unsafe in Delhi but the adult males are also unsafe in our National capital. In a road rage case, on Thursday evening three judges and there driver were going towards their home. There car was attacked by unidentified motorcyclists.
  • On May 14, additional chief metropolitan magistrate of Saket court Sanjay Sharma had been attacked allegedly by an SUV driver after the former had stopped his car on one side of the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) corridor, allegedly obstructing the vehicle's way.
  • Till now we saw crimes happening only with local Indian, but if you follow the newspapers then you must know about the RCB player Luke Pomersbach. In a one of Delhi’s hotel he was staying with the other players. In the same hotel the victim also took a room. Luke invited Zohal Hamid (from US) along with her fiancé for some drink in his room. Graciously she said and went towards her room with her fiancé Sahil Peerzada but Luke followed her and started misbehaving with her. When her fiancé intervened, Luke allegedly beat him up.
  • On 2nd July 2012, a 26 year old MBA student snatched a Sony Xperia phone from the daughter of R R Rashmi, joint secretary, ministry of environment and forests. While she was talking on the phone this guy came on his bike and snatched it from her. When asked by the police why he did this crime, he said that his girl friend demanded an expensive mobile phone, and since he did not had that much money he took the easy way.

On 26th July 2012 Hindustan Times I saw an article with heading “can’t prevent every murder: Delhi Police chief”. What I read in that article is not expected from the head of a state police department. I want to give some excerpts from that article “Under pressure after a spate of crimes in the past few days, including the gruesome killing of two senior citizens in Rohini on Monday night, Delhi Police commissioner Neeraj Kumar on Thursday said one cannot expect the police to prevent every murder in the city. Dismissing suggestions that the capital was not a safe place to live in, Kumar said on July 24, there were six murders and not nine as reported by the media. But though Kumar tried to downplay the crime scene, even six murders in 24 hours created a scare in the city. As per police statistics, on an average Delhi witnesses three murders in two days.” Now if the Police Commissioner of a state will give such statement then how R.K. Lakshman’s common people will ride in an auto, walked through the city, or generally leave their house without fear.

While I was compiling the information about Delhi’s crime, few questions came to my mind. Does Delhi Police know the factors which made the women victims of rape, molestation or sexual harassment most vulnerable? If we will try to understand the circumstances under which such crimes are being carried out then I think we can reduce such incidences. Along with this if police can collect some data related to these crimes such as the area of crime; time of crime, criminal’s age sex and social status, type of crime, information about the victims etc. In short if they can compile all the crime related data in one place and analyze them, then I think they can change crime’s exponential graph to a bell shaped curve, and after that day kids will ask us “do you know which is the crime free state of our country?” and that day we would be happy to give the answer, “baby its Delhi our National capital”.


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