GOD Lives With Us

Monday, November 14, 2011


Two humans are never identical, so they have different dreams and plans in their life. But the thing is since we all have the common ancestor; we have some common dreams also. I think that all of us wish or dream to meet GOD at least once in their life time. Some of us want to meet him to say thanks for whatever he had in his life, someone wants to meet him to ask something more in his life, someone wants to meet him to get some knowledge and someone wants to meet him just for getting some peace in life. But whatever be the reason most of us wants to meet him. 

Love Can Wait Forever

Tuesday, November 08, 2011


In the dark moonless night,
I am staring out of window,

down at the lonely street.

which in the daytime,

see many lovers walking over it.

Holding each other’s hand,

they talk & they laugh,

share their happiness & joy,

bringing smile to each other’s face.

Such a beautiful world is this,

full of joy and love.

But nothing matters,

when I wake up from my dream.

The wonderland where there are no tears,

and the loved ones are always near.

I can't keep this hope alive,

simply by memories of what we once were.

I can't wear the pain,

of not having you beside me.

When people doesn't see the reality,

in dark and empty nights.

Thinking of you I stay awake,

wondering whether,

you also think of me.

In the silent dark nights,

nothing else can I do,

but stare of my window,

and keep waiting for you,

because love can wait forever.