Rarely do we see that after birth any baby again goes back to hospital
within 3 months and that also in ICU. Neha Afreen would have little known that
again he will come to hospital and that also because of her father. Today when
I was walking through the reception of my office and looked at the TV, I was
shocked to see the news about baby Afreen death due to cardiac arrest. Most of
my colleague who saw the new mourned the little one’s death. But the only
reason we are talking about this horrific tragedy is because of Reshma Bano,
baby Afreen’s 19 year old mother, who went public with the nasty story. Looking
at her anyone can say that she would have never got the courage to talk on a
National Television if her husband would have not done this heinous act.
Someone had said it right that a mother becomes dangerous when someone tries to
harm her baby. Reshma was openly saying on the television that she will not
leave her husband if anything will happen to her baby.
Reshma her mother was the one who rushed to Vani Vilas Hospital to admit baby
Afreen on Thursday night, April 5, with a severe head injury, dislocated neck
and bite and burn marks on her body. All this injuries to the little soul was
not given by any enemy but was given by the own blood and flesh which was
running in her body (her 26 year old father Umar Farooq). Afreen was Umar’s
second wife, but she was never ready for this marriage may be because she would
have seen the demon behind his face.
I don’t think demons can do such an inhuman act, it would be
inappropriate to call him as demon. I think we have to think a new word to
define him. I am saying this because the hardcore jail inmates of Agrahara
Central jail were also filled with grief and pain when they saw the news of
Afreen’s death on TV. The jail inmates who must have carried out several crimes
like murder, rape, dacoit there soul was also not able to digest that a human
being can torture a helpless infant and they have beaten him up. Even though he
faces murder charges under IPC section 302, no punishment is harsh enough for
I am wondering what crime a 3 month old baby would have done to receive
such a gift from her father. I took my time to at least think about one reason
for her death, but have not got any. Then I came to know that the answer to my
question is not easy in our wretched society. Only crime baby Afreen did was,
she came to our humanized society with two XX chromosomes. If she would have
come with XY chromosome then the story would have been different. An enraged
man who had desperately wanted his young second wife to deliver a baby
boy. The short pain filled 85 days of
Afreen on this earth which shook the world is not the only story happened in
our society. If closely observed daily we can come across several such stories.
We are surrounded with such souls which have not even seen their first
birthday. Some of the infants are lucky because they are able to find a pair of
caring hands, but most of them lose the battle of surviving among the devils.
Babies who lives are crushed by the very people who create them mothers included.
The bitter truth is that we live in a nation where boys are worshipped and
girls are killed.
I think at the time of birth, when babies come to earth they get scared
by seeing the board which reads “Girls not welcome”, and this message is seen
in all the society, in poshest home and in jhuggi jhopdi. When we will start
putting values on our daughters? I think unless and until there is a change in
our heart and minds to stop looking at daughters as liabilities to be palmed
off to someone else, there will be n number of battered baby Afreens in future.
Had Reshama Bano would have not rushed to the Government hospital with her
baby in her hands she would have died much earlier. Actually she was lucky enough
to survive 3 months, because her father has started planning to kill her as
soon as he heard her sweet crying voice. She was rejected by her father the
moment she emerged from her mother’s womb.
Is Umar alone responsible for this crime, surely not? We stand guilty,
along with such criminals. Until and unless our thirst for baby boy will not
stop. Boy worship is not a bad thing but hating a girl is also not a good
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