कैसे भूलें

Monday, December 26, 2011


आज सोचा
तुमने हमें भूला दिया
तो हम भी तुम्हे भूला दें ,
पर भूलें भी तो कैसे भूलें
जान बुझ कर तुम्हे दिल में बसाया नहीं
तो जान बुझ कर कैसे भूला दें?


Saturday, December 17, 2011

                       गैरों के पास वक़्त होता है कहाँ
की वो किसी को रुला सकें
अपनों ने ही रुलाया है जब हमें
तो शिकायत किस्से से करें?  


Sunday, December 11, 2011


अपने कातिल पर भी मुझे प्यार आता है
जब उनकी याद दिल में आती है
हाँ ये सच है की क़त्ल किया है उसने मेरा
पर माफ़ ये सोच कर कर देता हूँ की
क़त्ल करने के लिए ही सही वो मेरे पास तो आयीं.

यकीन आज भी ये है की वो मेरे कब्र
पर आतीं होगीं फूल ले कर
यकीन आज भी ये है की वो रोतीं नहीं होंगीं
मेरे  कब्र पर सर रख कर
फिर भी खुश हो लेतें हैं ये सोच कर
की हँसतीं भी तो नहीं होंगीं आ कर मेरे कब्र पर.

GOD Lives With Us

Monday, November 14, 2011


Two humans are never identical, so they have different dreams and plans in their life. But the thing is since we all have the common ancestor; we have some common dreams also. I think that all of us wish or dream to meet GOD at least once in their life time. Some of us want to meet him to say thanks for whatever he had in his life, someone wants to meet him to ask something more in his life, someone wants to meet him to get some knowledge and someone wants to meet him just for getting some peace in life. But whatever be the reason most of us wants to meet him. 

Love Can Wait Forever

Tuesday, November 08, 2011


In the dark moonless night,
I am staring out of window,

down at the lonely street.

which in the daytime,

see many lovers walking over it.

Holding each other’s hand,

they talk & they laugh,

share their happiness & joy,

bringing smile to each other’s face.

Such a beautiful world is this,

full of joy and love.

But nothing matters,

when I wake up from my dream.

The wonderland where there are no tears,

and the loved ones are always near.

I can't keep this hope alive,

simply by memories of what we once were.

I can't wear the pain,

of not having you beside me.

When people doesn't see the reality,

in dark and empty nights.

Thinking of you I stay awake,

wondering whether,

you also think of me.

In the silent dark nights,

nothing else can I do,

but stare of my window,

and keep waiting for you,

because love can wait forever.

Inside My Heart

Sunday, October 30, 2011


Fears are gone
Tears are gone
Now when you are here
My loneliness is gone
The time which I share with you
Makes me strong
The days I spent without you, made it clear
It’s your love which I hold so dear
From deep inside my heart, always it shouts
"Please never ever keep us apart"
I always try to do my best
To show you for sure
That the love I hold for you is pure
No matter what it takes
I don't care for the stakes
I want you & only you.

To Find You

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Compass is not required to search you
Sound of your beating heart is enough to lead my way.
Sun is not required to search you
Beautiful smile of yours is enough to light my way.
Wind is not required to find you
Sweet voice of yours is enough to whisper my way.
Moon is not required to search you
Soulful eyes are enough to shine my way.
If however I would perish without finding you
Then my soul would find its way...


Sunday, October 23, 2011


सच्ची वफ़ा लिए हम तो मोहब्बत कर रहें थें,
आपकी नज़रों में शायद खता कर रहें थें.
आप रूठ कर बैठें हैं हम से, मनायें भी तो कैसे,
हमें तो ये भी ख़बर नहीं, क्यूँ रूठें हैं आप हम से.

कैसे बताएं हम आपको,
आपकी फिक्र में दिल मेरा भी रोया है,
रोते दिल से आप के लिए हमेशा दुआ निकला है.

आते जाते जब भी कभी आपसे मुलाकात हुई,
आप ने सिर्फ सिक्बे शिकायतों के दौड़ ही छेडें,
खामोखां गिला आप हमसे क्यूँ कर रहीं हैं?

देखते ही आप हमसे दूर क्यूँ भाग जातीं हैं,
नज़रों को किसी और दिशा में क्यूँ मोड़ लेतीं हैं,
बे बजाह आप हमारे दिल को क्यूँ सता रहीं हैं?

Some of the Urdu words & their meaning:-

  • वफ़ा - Fulfilling a promise
  • खता - Mistake

My Little Angel

Monday, October 03, 2011


It’s was a normal morning which I was seeing for last 32 years. But what happened on that day, I had never imagined in my life. I left my bed at around 6:30, not with my own wish but because of the scare of my wife. Suppose if I will not leave my bed on time then for the whole day I had to hear some kind of loud voice, which is very much scary. So with my half opened eyes I left my sweet cozy bed, with a little bit of anger and scare for my one and only wife. After finishing my daily core activities, my eyes searched for the morning newspaper. I love to turn the pages of my newspaper with a cup of hot coffee.  Actually by doing so, I get some kind of manly feeling within me.

No beginning or an end

Sunday, September 18, 2011


How special she is
How beautiful she is
How much I love her
No dictionary contains the words to describe it.
It’s good that the words are scarce
To define her beauty
It’s good that the words are scarce
To quantify my love
Since I don’t want to limit them
By defining them, because
No definition can define her
No limitation can limit her
Her beauty & my love has no beginning or an end

I don't want it to be any other way

Friday, September 16, 2011


You make me laugh when I want to cry,
You make me live when I want to die,
You make me smile when I want to frown,
You turn my life upside down.
Believe in me when no one else does
You’re my now, my is, my was.
When you call my name I begin to blush,
When you look at me I begin to shy,
When I'm with you time flies by fast,
It's like the present is the past.
I need you more than you can believe,
Love you more than you can conceive.
Think about you all day and night,
Hope forever my life can stay this way,
I don't want it to be any other way.

प्यार का एहसास

Monday, September 05, 2011


प्यार का प्यारा सा एहसास करवानें लगीं हैं आप,
हम से हमीं को चुराने लगीं हैं आप.

उफ़ आप का ये भोला सा मासूम माह्वश,
हमें अब अपनी आदाओं से सताने लगीं हैं आप.
सुनी पड़ी थी जिंदगी आप से जब न मिलें थें हम, 
मुस्कुराहटों को मेरा अब पता बताने लगीं हैं आप. 
हर तरफ धुप से घिरी जिंदगी थी हमारी, 
प्यार की बारिश को हमारा हमसफ़र बनाने लगीं हैं आप. 
सुरूर आपकी महक का छाया है कुछ इस कदर, 
की चारो ओर बस नज़र आने लगीं हैं आप.  
हर पल आप के साथ होने का एहसास होता है इस कदर,
जैसे हर आती जाती साँस में समायें लगतीं हैं आप. 
लबों पे हर पल घर बनाये रहता है नाम आपका, 
कोई जादू सा बन के जिंदगी में समाने लगीं हैं आप.
अपनी ओर जाने किस डोर से खेंच रहीं हैं आप, 
दीवानों की फेहरिस्त में नाम हमारा सामिल करवाने लगीं हैं आप.
दिल  मुन्नबर होता है हमारा आपकी यादों से कुछ इस कदर,
की कटी नसों से भी बहार आने लगीं हैं आप.  
सुनी राहों पे चलते हुए होता है ये गुमान, 
की साथ साया बन के चलने लगीं हैं आप.  
तसुव्वर में अक्सर महसूस होता है ये हमें, 
छोड़ के दुनिया मेरी बाँहों में समाने लगीं हैं आप. 
दूरी एक पल की भी आप से मंज़ूर नहीं हमें,
जुदा होके आजमाने क्यूँ लगीं हैं आप? 
कम से कम ये तो बताते जायें, की क्या नाम दूं इस दीवानगी को, 
हर लम्हा बेचैन कर के तडपाने लगीं हैं आप. 
जाने आपको एहसास इस बात का होगा कब, 
हर एक ग़ज़ल हर एक नज़्म में आने लगीं हैं आप.

Some of the Urdu words & there meaning:-
  • माह्वश -  Having a face as beautiful as the moon
  • सुरूर - Pleasure
  • फेहरिस्त - List 
  • मुन्नबर - Illuminated
  • गुमान - Doubt
  • तसुव्वर - Imagination
  • नज़्म - Verse

आप पत्थर क्यूँ बनें हैं

Saturday, August 20, 2011


आप पत्थर क्यूँ बनें हैं
यहाँ देवताओं की कमी नहीं है.
आप इंसान जो बन जायें,
तो थोड़ी सी मोहब्बत हम भी कर लें.

कोई गम नहीं

Friday, August 19, 2011


हमें रुलातें रहें आप कोई गम नहीं,
हमें भूलतें रहें आप कोई गम नहीं.
पर जीस दिन हमने भुला दिया आपको,
समझ जायेगा उस दिन से दुनिया में हम नहीं.

¤ ≈ ▒ Happy Birthday ▒ ≈ ¤

Tuesday, August 09, 2011


Today is a special day. You can smell the fragrance in the atmosphere, you can hear music in the air, you can see flowers smiling in the garden, you can notice birds singing songs in the sky, all because someone special is celebrating her birthday today. Yes it’s 9th August, my dear sister the day when you came on this earth. I do remember that you asked a small gift from me, but sorry to say that I don’t have enough money to buy you that gift, instead of that I have written a poem for you. Hope partially this can compensate for your gift, but don't worry your gift is due on me...

One special day of every year
Tension surrounds me.
I should be happy or
I should be sad on that day.
Till now I am not able to decide.

Once again I have to go to baker’s land
Once again I have to go to shopper’s land
Once again I have to lie my friend
Once again I have to wish you HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

It’s not like I am not happy to get you as my friend
It’s not like I don’t want to be your life.
My only wish to GOD is
Neither you age should increase
Nor it should decrease.

Why? b’coz I read it somewhere,
That age is inversely proportional to memory.
I am scared if someday you will not recognize me
And sweep me out of your life.
Then with whom I will share my dreams & secrets?

No matter what I say, how I say
You are always there to hear them.
Even you are ready to laugh with me when I am glad
and gave me your shoulder to cry when I was sad.
Like a true friend you want the best for me
Like a true friend you want to hear only good for me.

O GOD, I lost many a things in my life so now
I don’t want to lose the heart that never hates
I don't want to lose the smile that never fades
I don't want to lose the touch that never shakes
In short I don’t want to lose you my friend.

In the end, I just want you to prove that the above theory is wrong
So that I can say, that age is directly proportional to memory.
I request GOD to keep his hand always on you.

◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Mom ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦

Monday, August 08, 2011


हमें याद कर लेना

Saturday, August 06, 2011


लबों  पे तेरे नाम अब गैरों का आता है अक्सर,
दोस्तों के बीच कभी बैठो तो हमें याद कर लेना.

महफ़िल में तेरे आज रोशिनिओं का मेला है,
अंधेरों से कभी घिर जाओ तो हमें याद कर लेना.

मश्रोफियत के शहर में रहती हो तुम आज कल,
फुर्सत की गली मिल जाये तो हमें याद कर लेना.

गैर होतें कब अपनें हैं छोड़ जातें हैं सभी, 
जो साथी कभी तलाश करो तो हमें याद कर लेना.

खेल कर तोडा जिसे तुमने वो खिलौना नहीं दिल था मेरा,
जो दिल तेरा कोई कभी तोड़ दे तो हमें याद कर लेना.

साथ नहीं हो तो क्या हुआ

Thursday, July 28, 2011


साथ नहीं हो तो क्या हुआ,
दूर मुझ से और तुम जाना नहीं.
पास नहीं हो तो क्या हुआ,
खावों से मेरे तुम निकल जाना नहीं.
शहज़ादी हो तुम मेरी,
मेरे तसुवुर से निकल जाना नहीं.

you will be mine

Friday, July 22, 2011


That time was there, when I was alone,

by chance one fine day I met you.

In our cab, you sat by the window beside me,

talking to your friend, with your lovely smile.

Like a precious gem in a golden jewel,

like an idol made for worship.

I know Lord has crafted you,

like a piece of art, especially for me.

One day or the other, you will be mine.

That day I will become the richest person,

because you will be mine, having a heart of gold.

Love Lasts Forever

Thursday, July 21, 2011

During our short span of life,
what is there to believe.
Nothing lasts forever,
Life may end one day,
Soul may leave us someone day.

But our love,
The eternal flame in our heart,
Will never change,
nor will it faint,
Once lighted,
it lasts forever.

I would die the day, you will stop loving me...

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


One day Mohit got a call from Jhalak. She was crying on the phone. Mohit had no idea why she was crying. Tears were coming out from Jhalak’s eye but the warmth of her tear was felt by Mohit. Sorry friends, let me first tell you who are Mohit and Jhalak. They were both working in the same office in a metro city, and both loved each other, especially Mohit was very much serious about Jhalak. Ok now that day when he got the call, he was in a car with one of his friend and his wife. His friend didn’t know about his love story. They were coming from a temple. Anyhow on hearing Jhalak’s sad sound, he was not able to control his emotion, so he asked his driver to pull over the car.

आप मिलीं हमें

Sunday, July 10, 2011


आप जब तक न थीं पास हमारे
एक अजनबी की थी तलाश हमें,
किसकी थी वो तलाश हमें
जाना तब जब आप मिलीं हमें.

आप जब तक न थीं पास हमारे
एक अजीब सी थी प्यास हमें,
क्यूँ थी वो प्यास हमें
जाना तब जब आप मिलीं हमें.

आप जब तक न थीं पास हमारे
एक खुशबू की थी तलाश हमें,
किसकी खुशबू की थी तलाश हमें
जाना तब जब आप मिलीं हमें.

आप जब तक न थीं पास हमारे
एक नाम की थी तलाश हमें,
किसके नाम की थी तलाश हमें
जाना तब जब आप मिलीं हमें.

Chicken Tikka

Friday, July 08, 2011


Satish, what to say about this guy? He was rich, handsome, good looking and intelligent guy who always ranked high in studies. In his possession, he had all the good qualities except one. Satish was very shy in nature, there were many girls in the collage who were behind him, but our bholu always ran away from them. As you all know, everyone in this world at least once falls in love with someone. Since like all of us, Mr. Satish also had a normal heart, which makes too much of sound when he sees this lady (aare yaar the female character of my story). Satish who always comes to collage in branded clothes in his Porsche car; his lady love was totally opposite to her, she always comes in a simple salwar suit holding her books in one hand and a second hand mobile in the other hand. Oh yes, she comes to collage by bus. Satish fondly calls her as Angel, but I don’t have the guts to take his place so I will call his lady with the name which she got from her parents. Kavita, yes this was the name which she got from her mom and dad. Kavita and Satish were in different streams, so rarely Satish gets the chance to meet his love,  but then in love do these things matter at all? Hope you all will say no. I believe that when you are destined to fall in love with someone, then no force can stop you in doing so, even they themselves can also not run away from each other.


Sunday, July 03, 2011


जो मिल जाये तुम्हारी तस्वीर कभी,
तो उलझन में पड़ जाऊँगा मैं. 
मंदिर में रखूंगा किस्से,
भगवान को या तुम्हे,
परेशानी में पड़ जाऊँगा में.

बात तो होगी वो बाद की,
गंगा जल में लऊँगा कहाँ से?
हाथ जो धोने होंगें मुझे,
तस्वीर तुम्हारी छुने के लिए.

I can give you only love

Monday, June 27, 2011


In your eyes I see love
In your breath I feel love
Wish it is all for me.
I am thinking that
If just the feeling is so nice
Then how would I feel if you will be mine.
Like wind you came to my life
Taking my mind with you apart
Now I can see you everywhere
Such is your mark in my heart.
Every night you trouble me
By silently gracing my dreams.
What I feel, how I feel
Just by a small sight of yours
Neither me, nor my God can tell you.
I am afraid; I can’t get you a star
Nor the moon half or full.
What can I give you?
Nor a house nor even a car
Only thing which I can give you is my love.

वो हवा

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


अर्सा सा हो गया है वो हवा नहीं आई,
उस हसीं दोस्त की कोई खबर नहीं आई.
सोचा में ही कोई गीत लिख दूँ,
अपना हाल--दिल उन्हें लिख दूँ.

सदियाँ सी बीत गयीं हैं मुस्कुराये हुए,
अपना हाल सुनाये, उनका हाल सुने.
आज फिर याद आई आप की तो सोचा पुकार लूं,
अपने दिल के मालिक की खबर ले लूँ.

दिल काशी हो गया

Sunday, June 19, 2011


दिल काशी हो गया,
दिल काबा हो गया.
रब ने मुझे रब से मिला दिया,
जो तुने मेरे दिल में घर बना लिया.
मस्जिद थी घर से बहुत दूर,
इसीलिए उसने तुझे ही खुदा,
बना कर मेरे दिल में बसा दिया.

सच कहा है किसी ने,
देता है जब ऊपर वाला तो छप्पर फाड़ कर देता है.
माँगा था दो दिन की ख़ुशी खुदा से, 
उसने सारी जिंदगी का इंतज़ाम कर दिया,
जो उसने तेरे घर का रास्ता दिखा दिया.

जिंदगी को सबारने की कोशिश में,
धुप में अपनी मंजिल की तलाश में,
भटक रहा था में इधर उधर.
खुदा से शायद मेरा दर्द देखा न गया,
इसीलिए उसने तुम्हे मेरी  मंजिल बना दिया. 

खुदा तुझे में शुक्रिया अदा करूँ कैसे?
मांग रहा था में छोटी छोटी खुशियाँ,
तुने तो मुझे खुशियों का खजाना ही दे दिया.
अब बस इल्तेज़ा है इतनी,
आँखें बंद न होने देना मेरे मेहबुब की,
जो तुझे हो जल्दी मेरे फूल को अपने पास बुलाने की,
तो पहले इस माली को अपने पास बुला लेना.